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Praying for letting go and trusting God in all things.


For restoration in my marriage and my oldest son's relationship with my husband. Also, that my husband truly finds Jesus and starts attending church regularly with us.


Prayer for my family members: Jeff, Kevin and Joyce. Pray that fear is removed from their spirit as two depend on alcohol and the other hides from the truth of God’s word.


Please be praying for my husband and I. Currently we are going through one of the most difficult times in our lives Specifically pray for: -Our marriage - Our finances - Husbands Employment - Husbands Career -God's Favor over our lives - Redemption and Restoration of past decisions -*For our faith, strength and joy to be increased GREATLY in this time* - A miracle for God to move in the unknown.


My dad passed away.


I need prayer for my panic attacks and anxiety. To be able to live a normal life again and to be healthy. Also, I'm retaking my real estate exam this Friday 1/22. I'm studying and praying to pass.


Praying for God to guide my husband and I's steps and cover our path into home ownership this Summer. We found our forever home many months ago and it’s still on the market! May we be provided means for financial abundance. We are claiming our new home in 2021.


Recently engaged and my fiancé is out of the country. Praying for his fiancé visa to be approved soon so we can get married and start our journey together

S. Laday

Health Family Guidance Growth.


A Christian spouse who is sold out to Jesus. A new career that will allow me to utilize my Criminal Justice degree and advance the Kingdom of God.


I recently broke my elbow and I need prayers for my recovery. Specific prayers for no scar tissue around the bone, and full mobility in my arm.


I will be taking the HESI exam in 2 weeks to enter into nursing school. Praying and studying to pass!


For my husband to have peace when he sleeps and to surrender all childhood memories of disappointment and unlove in foster care. He has bad dreams of being unwanted and always wanting a childhood that was taken from him.


Prayer for guidance. As I enter this year I’m simply trying to find myself, my better self. But I know I can’t do it without Jesus. Prayer for Strength Pray that my relationship gets better with God Pray that I keep faith and don’t let depression or anxiety bring me down. I pray that my business and my visions be touched by God and it flourish.


I need prayers for me to forgive myself and to receive God’s love. I can’t forgive those who have hurt me and love others as God intended until I love and forgive myself. Bring humility compassion and love into my heart. My marriage is falling apart from all the hurt we have caused each other. And for my husband to love the Lord.


I am fighting battles of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. The devil is non-stop talking to me and putting bad thoughts in my head. He is being relentless. I desire for God and the Holy Spirit to remove all the devil is using to harm me and burn the connection the devil has made to get to me. I want God to completely take away all my depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I believe in a God who can do all things!


Prayer for my 91-year-old mom Naomi Ellis. Prayer for health.


My sister, Alice, needs prayer. She has lupus and is suffering from pain in her back or legs, but doctors can’t seem to locate the source of the pain. This has gone on for months. She also recently tested positive for Covid.


I pray for God’s direction for the year and His blessing to provide a appropriate partner for me to continue to fulfill His life’s for work for me and my family.


Fiancé and many in her family are bound in drug addiction. Pray for healing of hurts causing addictions. Pray for breaking of bondages holding them in addictions, including a generational curse. Pray for a mighty move of God in and through those supplying drugs that they would have new lives in Jesus Christ. Pray that the spiritual strong hold in third ward destroying lives would be broken and the oppressed would be delivered.


For Health completely and all other needs met in me and my family.


God, I pray that you open doors of opportunity for me to transition into being a full-time realtor before our move to SA and that you be with my husband as he learns all his new roles for his new job. Pave our way and guide us as we prepare for this upcoming move.


Pray for me for the tools, resources, guidance and help to reach every written goal for 2021. From this day forward, make me a wise, careful steward over my money. Allow me to forget who I was so that I can become who you destined me to be.


My boyfriend and I have split up after 3 1/2 years. I am asking for Gods guidance and strength. My boyfriend is fighting his own battles. I am asking for prayers for him too.


I would like prayer, I am in a lot of pain in my stomach, and specialists are running tests now to see where it's coming from. This has been going on for a while now.


My daughter and her kids. She is now a single mom trying to go back to school and take care of her family. Pray for protection, guidance, strength, and for a better place to live in the name of Jesus.

Amanda and Shelly

My high school classmate's daughter is facing medical challenges. They asked for prayer and guidance on their path to get Shelly healthy again.


A friend’s daughter, Grace, has what they thought was Covid but now she isn’t even able to sit up without fainting. She has passed out 12 times in the last hour. They would appreciate prayer for her & the doctors trying to figure out what is going on with her.


I have a dear friend in the hospital with a Artery blockage and needs another stint and may have to have heart surgery. His name is Jose Ortiz, and his daughter is Molly Ortiz.


I'm praying and believing for a God appointed career/job with a generous salary, which I can enjoy, work hard and use the gifts and talents God has giving me.


Parents needed for my niece Shelly that has Covid and she works out of town I pray that she gets healing and to bring her home quickly and her family that will not have Covid.


Asking for prayers for me and my family. Asking for prayers around mental health, physical health, financial stability and a closer walk with God for all my family. Asking that God gives me the ability to forgive, move on from the past and soften my heart.


I’m walking into dating after 3 years of being single. I’m asking for direction and protection! If it’s meant to be I want the peace that only God can provide and if it’s not meant to be I pray God removes that person from my path!


I have a PET Scan tomorrow. Please pray that is cleared. I had a Chest scan a week ago and it showed I have nodules in my lungs. It can be from a previous lung infection or it can be cancer. I’m a breast cancer survivor and I’m really nervous about my scan tomorrow.



I am praying that my children and I have peace and love in 2021. My husband moved out in December, currently going through separation/divorce. I pray for guidance and God's will be done over our lives.


I am struggling with bisexual lust and porn. I have been struggling with this for the past couple of years, but thankfully through coming to Grace this past year I have grown in my faith and tried to give this problem to God. I ask for prayer to lead me not into temptation, and for the strength to finally be able to lay this struggle completely in God’s hands.


Requesting prayer to heal our nation and that we are given the gift of understanding and knowledge so that everyone understands what truly matters. I'm also requesting prayer for the protection of me and my family from any attacks of the enemy. Requesting prayer for my health.


Please pray that my nephew, Calvin Rashall, will return home to his family.


My husband and I have had a financial burden for 5 years. I ask for His purpose, through this ordeal, to be fully revealed and that we are transformed for His Glory by it; that our testimony is pleasing and acceptable. I ask that through His righteousness and love, that we be delivered and freed from this particular burden.


My marriage is on life support due to infidelity. I have forgiven but I still hurt. I need God to help me figure out how to stay in the marriage if that is even what I should do. Pray for my husband to really develop an intimate relationship with God so he can learn to lead our family from God’s perspective.


Strength and endurance to keep moving forward during this time of uncertainty for my family, friends and members of Grace.


Please cover my husband and I that our marriage will be strengthened and God will show us the path to home ownership.


My daughter-in-law’s father is undergoing treatment for colon cancer that has spread to lymph nodes. I don’t believe he has accepted Christ as his savior so please pray for salvation first and healing second. Also, for peace for him and his family. His name is John Frelke.


I pray that those that are homeless will find shelter to stay warm, those that are hungry will have food to eat, those that are financially struggling will be blessed with income, and through it all that our faith in our God sustains us.


My husband, Lance Stringer, has been on chemotherapy for leukemia. It has suddenly stopped working and he was told he must do a clinical trial because they cannot give him stronger chemo. He will begin them in three weeks. It will last approximately 3 months. For now, we ask for his body to accept the medication, for it to work miracles, and for him to not feel ill or overly fatigued due to treatments; I also ask for prayers for my son, Holden, as he deals with depression worrying about his father. Holden is also dealing with issues with his calf muscles that is keeping him from participating in high school sports; Lastly, I ask that you pray for my family as we try to become better members of this church. I want my family to grow closer to God during our storm even though we are not with our church family.


To be able to buy a house as a single mom and to find one in my price range.


Prayer for my unborn grandchildren health.


Open heaven over myself and my family.


For my family’s mental health and breaking any strong holds we have on us.


I am praying for peace, increase, and understanding in 2021.


That God would continue to watch over, guide myself and love ones to do his will; To allow God to be the head of our life in everything we do and say; To break the chain of being afraid/fear so that I will not hinder the Lord from using me; That I and my family/loved ones would find favor over our health, mind, finances, and spiritual growth.


Pray for Andre Thomas, Jr and Lillian Thomas to find purpose with their lives. Secure full-time employment with full benefits and live a God filled purpose life.


Wisdom, peace, and intuition. I am going through a storm that I have been dealing with over the last few years. It has resulted in my husband and I separating and considering divorce. I need guidance from my God. I want to do what his will says I should do. I need clarity.


Pray for my family, especially my two daughters: 3 and 5. Their father is showing signs of bipolar and narcissism. As a family, we need him healthy, at home, providing for us so we can meet our bills on time.


My daughter, Vanessa, is dealing with depression, after going through a breakup with her boyfriend. She is really hurting, but I know it was for the best.


I would like to thank God for this opportunity to solicit prayer for my grandchildren with other Christians. I am asking for prayer for their safety in this time of great despair. Please pray for them that God will cover them with the precious blood and keep them safe with good health in such troubling times.


Marriage restoration and healing for my husband Daniel Nieto and me. We have gone through a tough season and separated. I don’t believe this is God’s intention, but we have a lot of healing to do. Our kids need a healthy and strong foundation and however God sees it happening I believe it can work.


Please pray that my children desire a relationship with Jesus and that my divorce goes smoothly.


I would love prayer for our finances to be secured during this pandemic as we’ve been behind on some bills. Also, I would love peace for my stepdaughter’s mother. She keeps falsely accusing us of not being “fit” parents. We just want peace. Last but not least, I pray for health for our family.


I am praying for me and my family and for our continued safety and health. I am also praying for my job situation as I received some news that may impact immediate opportunities. I do have an upcoming interview with a new client so just praying that it goes well. Otherwise still praying for the world and protection against Covid and that more souls may be brought to Jesus Christ, our true Lord and Savior.


I ask that the trial I am in be over.


Prayers for my mother, Maria Marquez. She has been waiting on approval to renew her resident card since May 2020. She is going through depression and stress not being able to see her sister who has heart problems in Mexico. She is losing that belief that she won’t be there for her sister.


I’m believing for a healthy 2021. Financial stability and job security for myself and family. Peace in my mind to forgive those who hurt me.


Family, success of getting a new job during the pandemic, new vehicle.


My husband and I have been trying to start a family for over a year. We lost our first child to a miscarriage in October and it broke our hearts. Please pray for fertility this year. For peace as we continue this path together and for God to hear our desires. We believe in the power of prayer.


I prayer that my daughters find Godly partners that are pleasing to God and that honor them.


Pray for my family.


Marriage - My marriage is falling apart. My husband is no longer attracted to me. He says I feel more like a roommate than a wife and would like a friend. He also thinks my career goals are taking away from my household duties as a wife. He hardly looks let alone speaks to me. And I would like him to show affection. Finances - Guidance on financial endeavors, investments, and spending Healing - From a fainting disorder called NCS.


May the Lord heal and guide me. May the Lord help me find a new job where I feel loved and comfortable. To help my wife and I get closer to God and to fall in love 10x more than we are already.


My life has so many setbacks... My marriage is in peril, I don't have any of my kids, and I'm homeless. Please, I'm asking that the Lord provide and changes my situation!


Carlos has been called upon to possibly be lead for some huge projects in 3rd world countries. These will certainly be heavy tasks to accomplish. Please pray for the Lord to guide Carlos and provide him with the opportunities in order perform His work thru him. Pray for Carlos' protection and safety while traveling abroad. He is leaving today and will be out of the country for a few days to discuss plans with their government. Please pray the Lord keep his hand on Carlos in Jesus name.


Pray with me for healing for my sister-in-love, Cheryl, as she is battling lung cancer and recently found a spot on her kidney. Please pray for her total healing and for my brother Roland to remain cancer free.


Currently going through a hard separation. Please pray for my family and kids as we walk through this tough season. I have also been diagnosed with Covid, and I want to my kids to stay safe and healthy.


My cousin, Rachel Rivera Meza, had brain surgery in November and she lost her vision. She has two small children and praying for God to heal her vision.


My brother recently found out he has tumors on his spine and will be having surgery on Thursday to have them removed. He needs prayers for peace and comfort, benign tumors, and quick recovery.


I would like to request prayer for my relationship with God to grow, for my relationship with my children to be better. My relationship with my boyfriend David to grow and to let God come first in our relationship. Prayer over our health, our home and our finances and the family we are trying to build.


For health and for our business to prosper. We have 15 years with our trucking business and we just can’t make it to grow.


Please pray that my children will find Jesus Christ as their Lord and master.


My best friend has an undiagnosed health condition. I pray that she is healed and can find out what is ailing her.


I own my own business and we have almost reached the highest point of our career. Since we are at the finish line, attacks have been bigger than I have ever seen. Please pray for army angels of protection, peace in the process and accelerated blessings, all the glory to God!! We are a team of Christian women, difference makers, light in the darkness, blessing generations to come., and the enemy doesn’t like it. Please help me pray this through!


I am asking for prayer for a brother in Christ back home in my country, the Philippines, he got a motorcycle accident which he can't stand, walk , talk softly & eat thru NGT. His name is Padon Ernani Abad Jr.


Prayer for my daughter, Felicia Nicole Lathan. Deliverance from drugs. Salvation


Pray for myself and my 3 sons age 15, 13, 5. My husband passed away September 24, 2020 as the result of a motorcycle accident.


Prayer for my Dad and his wife, George & Marilyn Adams. They were both diagnosed with Covid along with some other health issues this past week. I’m believing that God will carry them through all of this!


I want to ask for prayer for my sister who lost her daughter today. Her two daughters for strength to endure this painful loss. My parents’ health and protection. Strength to deal with being a single mother myself. Guidance to get closer to God.


I am believing God to work on my husband to be a man of God and lead his family in God’s word. Take the desires of the world away from him. Give me a heart, mind, and spirit of God.


Please pray for my health, I suffer from chronic asthma and I am really afraid of Covid-19. I have a lot of student loan debt and I want to be able to pay it off. I want to spend more time more with my relationship with God. I would like prayer for my personal relationship with my boyfriend and that we continue to grow together and start a family.


Please pray for our oldest 26-year-old son who is suffering with crippling anxiety, confusion, and depression. He desperately needs a miracle.


I would like to pray for my family’s health, prosperity and blessings. Specifically, that I will find another job or career or whatever God had planned. Also, that God will continue to bless my husband in his business and my son in school. I want to say a special prayer for my step Aunt, Donna who recently passed away.


That Ashley heals from her broken heart and relationship; strength so that she tells her story to the court and that they see her pain; for the person who put false allegations on her tell the truth so that her life returns better than normal.


Daughter has been out of work for 8 months. Lost her job. Now she has an interview, and I would like to pray for her. Her name in Alexis Davila.


Prayers for getting closer with God, prayers for family, Prayers for fiancé and better opportunity in life!


Please pray for the right path to open for a home; help finding the right clients, staff and business partnerships.


I'm taking my real estate exam and I want to pass on the first round.


Prayer request for my marriage. We need restoration and healing to avoid separation.


For my daughter Alaina Victoria Ponce.


I pray for Charles that he follows the will of God in his life. That he places God and God’s ways at the forefront of his life. That God will not be pushed to the back burner. I pray that he recognizes the importance of his family in his life no matter how hard that may be. That he is led by the Holy Spirit in all he does.


I ask prayer for my sons Emmanuel Olivares & his two children Angel Olivares, Maria Olivares and his wife Leslie Orozco for family guidance, peace, legal issues resolved, wisdom, courage, protection, deliverance. Alejandro Olivares, who is in prison, served 3 years already and still has 3 more for peace, protection, deliverance and wisdom. Kevin Careaga’s addiction, peace, courage, wisdom, joy, guidance, deliverance and protection.


Prayers for my son and his girlfriend and their addiction of marijuana. Pray for jobs. My granddaughter has trouble speaking. Healing and that my family gets closer to the Lord.


For me, for strength. For my husband to love the Lord. Our marriage of 25 years. I pray for healing restoration. And healing of our hearts.


Restoration of my marriage.


Please pray that my blood pressure would lower to a healthy range.


Deliverance, to be set free. Salvation.


Personal mental health. I am seeking peace, spiritual growth, family health/safety, and financial stability.


Total healing for my husband Mauricio Saldana from Moya Moya brain disease. Give him ability to talk, eat and walk with full cognitive abilities better than before this sickness; Salvation for my entire family, including in-laws.


I would like prayer for my family safety, remaining healthy, for strength in Jesus and to get closer to one another; My Mom’s healing; My daughter and son to get closer to God and a finish college and allowing God to direct their path; My sister and cousin and their families’ protection; and for myself, healing and completion of things in my life and being independent.


Please pray for my boyfriend that he would fall so in love with Jesus. Give him a heart for Christ. I’m needing to know if this is my husband and the person God ordained for me.


My sister, Diane & her husband Frank. Diane has advanced stage Parkinson’s and is being cared for by her husband at home. My brother-in-law, Larry & sister Carolyn. Larry was recently diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.


I want to continuously pray for my education. I am going to a university for the first time, and it is causing me a lot of anxiety.


I want to lift my daughter-in-law in prayer as she will go undergo surgery to remove a tumor.


Financial stability, stronger marriage and family. Proper guidance for our son, Landen.


Full Recovery from COVID-19: Body, mind, spirit, financially, emotionally, and with my family. Peace to the world and continued flourishing ministry work.


Please pray for my husband Jerry, he has many obstacles facing him this year, specifically the first 3-6 months. I pray God gives him strength to endure, focus to achieve, and guidance in decision making.


My son has been missing for nearly six years now. He is married with a family.


I am currently looking for a job and would appreciate prayers to help find the job God has for me. Also, prayers for my husband’s, Steve, salvation.


For my sons Antoine and Chris - Antoine just got of jail; Chris needs get closer to God; For the health and finances of my mom who has MS; For my two daughters that God will give them what they need and let them be successful; For my husband who is now in a PTSD program for veterans; For our marriage. We have been married for 27 years and I have been fighting for so long that I need the strength that passes my understanding; for my own health.


I pray for financial stability, good health for my family and friends, healing for my wounded heart, peace of mind, stable job and good development for my daughter. I pray that we are able to get a house of our own this year.


Need healing from cancer.


Favor in a settlement regarding being wrongfully released from a job. I am 60 and have medical issues but do not have insurance.


Continued healing and developmental advancements for my son Jaden. He is severely Autistic with seizures, development delays and nonverbal.


I am humbly asking for prayer for my children that God will protect them from harm, touch their heart/mind and give them the desire to seek after his word with all that they have within. I am asking for a special prayer for Kourton, as he is currently incarcerated in the state and is up for parole. He has endured a lot in the system to include abuse by staff and other offenders. I ask for your prayers with me that God will be merciful and touch the Board of Pardon and Paroles and let him come home in within the next few months as he is being reviewed for release since November. He is remorseful and would like an opportunity to be a productive person in society, to show his growth and maturity. I would be so grateful for a circle of prayer for all of my children from other Christians, as I stand in the gap and pray for them as I always do.


I have a surgery schedule for January 28th, 2021. Pray that everything goes well, for the surgeon, and for protection from any other sicknesses. Also, pray for my finances.


A win in an upcoming court case, job protection for me and my family, health protection for me and my family.


My wife and I divorced in 2020, and I would like for someone to please pray for our two girls and us that God will help us to continue to coparent well together.


I am asking for prayer for a better relationship with my mother. Also, I am asking for prayer for strength as I am in school getting my master’s degree, working full time on night shift, and taking care of my 3 kids who are doing virtual learning at home.


My son and daughter are struggling to find their way as well as my baby brother who struggles with drug addiction. As for myself I’m praying for God’s strength and wisdom.


For me to be successful and to step out on faith and do my business full time.


Pray for my daughter Janny, for rededication of her life. We are also in a torn relationship, so pray for reconciliation. Also, I’m asking for prayers for my grandsons: Jacob, Adrian, & Michael.


Family health and finances.


Please pray for my sister, Cindi, to be healed from cancer, my father-in-law, Lou, to be healed from Covid, and for wisdom for my husband and I as we lead our adult children with job/career decisions, future spouse decision, and life in general!


Prayers for my future, as I have dedicated my life to the Lord and his work. Let every step that I take start and begin with His will and plan. Prayers for a greater hunger, thirst and intimacy with God as I begin this journey with Him.


Prayer for my family’s safety and for myself to fully surrender all of me to our Lord God!


Pray that God will continue to pour out His blessings, wisdom, understanding and favor to our lives. Pray for my friend, Nora Gutierrez, she's in ICU in Bogota, Colombia with Covid and for her family strength and endurance during this hard time for the family.


For my husband's board exam passing to become a Registered Nurse.


A friend of my son from high school was in a very bad car accident, he is in critical condition with very severe injuries! As far as I know he is not in God’s will in his daily life! I pray he has asked for forgiveness and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior first and foremost, prayers for his mother who probably isn’t allowed in the hospital. Father your will be done!


Please pray for family healing after the loss of my grandma (COVID-19), for my grandpa (cancer 77yo) and cousin Marco (cancer 8yo). Pray to lift our hearts, spirits, and to restore our faith.


For healing, I am having a biopsy on Tuesday morning, January 19.


My children struggle with school and I want my children to be successful. I want them to be able to focus and thrive academically. I’m also in the process of getting a house and if God sees fit, I would love to be able to provide a permanent home for my family.


1.To be strengthened with might in the inner-man 2.Debt cancellation 3.God’s favor and to be service to others.


Please pray for my pregnancy. It’s my first child and I know I need a lot of things, but I want her to come out healthy and happy.


My name is Mario and I would like to ask for prayer. I'm a dentist from Mexico and as of now I am going to dental School once again in Minnesota. I have 1 year and 4 months to finish the program. I am an international student, so I have been paying school with the help of cosigners and with bank loans. This semester I have not yet found a cosigner to get a loan for spring and so my prayer request is that I hope God puts someone in my way that could help me with this matter.


Asking God for direction and to guide my decision making when it comes to business and pursuing entrepreneurship.


For my husband Gero and two daughters, Natalie and Brianna. For their salvation, pray they repent and receive our Lord Jesus as their savior. That we could pray together as a family and give all the glory to our Heavenly Father.


My fiancé has been stuck overseas in the military for much longer than he was supposed to be. His mental health is starting to be impacted and we cannot start our lives together. My prayer is that he comes home soon (a birthday gift) and God helps him work on his endurance and sprit until he returns to me.


My brother is a drug addict, and recently had a binge. He’s done drugs around my nephews, and my sister-in-law is considering divorce after many years of suffering due to his addiction. Pray for his healing, that he gets on, and finally, stays in the path God has for him. Please pray for my nephews’ and sister-in-law’s healing. Pray that God’s will be done and that our family can heal and move forward in the way God had planned for us all.


I have been in love with my girlfriend for a very long time. I feel as if the devil is trying to manifest himself in my relationship and is causing issues within. I am a good person, but I feel like I want to be an even better person. Please pray that God lift my spirit and rid me of unrighteous thoughts and free me from my iniquities.


I've had ongoing pain and loss of mobility in my right shoulder. For years, I have been in physical therapy on and off. I'm praying and asking God to provide healing in my body.


I've been having a version of carpal tunnel in both of my wrists for some months now, and as a musician, it's added difficulty because I use my wrists more often than I even realized to play the instruments that I play. It's not severe, but it's bad enough for it to be an annoyance. I am asking for healing, but with an understanding of needing to take action to assist with that healing process. So, I'm also praying for guidance, in that I can be led to the right sources for this.


Asking for prayer on behalf of family friend fighting for their newborn's life (baby girl). She was born with a brain hemorrhaging. They have 3 days to make a life decision on what's next for the baby. Praying for God's miracle and strength to fight through it together! Believing God will turn this situation around.


My aunt gave labor at 5 months. The baby and her are ok but that God would continue to watch over them and that baby stays strong and healthy.


Please pray for my mental and physical health, and that I seek out God’s will and plan for me - not my own.


My brother Joe was diagnosed with stage two non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and began his chemo treatment yesterday. Please pray for a complete healing and strength for him to be able to fight this.


For my uncle Johnny - they found a bump on his arm and say it’s cancerous.


I am praying for healing and restoration for my husband, for me and for our marriage. I pray that my husband Danny falls in love with the Lord and that he becomes the leader of this family. I know He can restore this union. If it is not His will, I pray that He will brings me the strength through Christ to get through it with wisdom and compassion and brings healing for us and our children.


I have been healed from cancer and I'm praying to be restored to rebuild peace and harmony with my family. Everything seems to be a problem; pray for a closer walk with Jesus and family bonding.

Addison Family

I pray for divine favor, direction, and wisdom for my family.


My daughter is sinking fast. We need immediate prayer for wisdom, healing and deliverance!


For our Nation; my family to stay healthy and safe; my kids to be world changers for God's Kingdom; and for all my family to win souls.


I first would like to request prayer for my best friend and his family his mom has cancer and contracted COVID-19 and the Doctors have given her 4 days to live. I want to ask we uplift them in prayer. We are praying for a miracle (if that be God’s will) and if not peace of mind for his family. We are asking for forgiveness for all of our sins. Lastly, I would like prayer for a job I just had an interview with on Friday January 8, 2021. I’m claiming this job in Jesus name! And for the families affected by this pandemic.


For healing from my separation and divorce. For strength and peace to face this new year filled with so much uncertainty.


I seek prayer for my ministry that there will be an explosion in creative productivity and opportunity in 2021. I believe God for life in my creative block THIS YEAR so that progress manifests. I trust God's divine connections that lead to resources and partnerships to progress the ministry that someone uses their power, influence, and ability to bless the ministry. I seek clarity on SPECIFIC steps on what to do in this time and changed, post COVID-19 world.


I pray to be more in tune with the Spirit so that I can clearly hear when/what God is communicating to me; and to build deep and meaningful relationships with my new church family.


I am praying that my brother is delivered from all vices and will find peace in God. Praying that he accepted Jesus as his savior and gest baptized and leads his family.


I really need God’s favor in an urgent unspoken matter.


My husband Luis finds a great job to help with finances which will allow him to continue to go to church weekly and the desire to start going back to church on Wednesday's when it is available in person.


Praying for forgiveness, breaking generational curses, strength, health and financial breakthroughs.


For workman's comp to allow the surgery needed to restore my hand to its previous pain/numbness free and functional state, healing from the losses and heartbreak recently suffered, financial gain and stability, and a husband.


Prayers for restoration of marriage. That we might stay together and work together in our differences. That God might help us heal and renew our love and commitment.


That God will continue to pour out His favor during my husband’s interview tomorrow (January 11th) and that he will land this dream job. That God’s favor and power influence all aspects of this career move from needing 50% increase in pay, to moving/selling, and any and all areas that will be influenced due to this career move/life transition. Overall, that God’s will be done.


Pray for good results for my husband’s biopsy and to heal him; Pray for complete healing from the surgery I had in December; Pray for our adult children for God to direct their steps; Pray for our jobs’ stability and for provision.


Larry Hernández - praying to heal him from cancer; Michael Concha - dismiss all legal issues and success at work; Juliet Mejia - newborn baby born with brain damage.


The father of my kids is trying to fight me for full custody. I need prayer over his heart to be softened & changed.


I am praying that my faith will increase. I have been praying to be married again and to be a mother, but I do not feel that the Lord wants me to have either of those. I need peace that passes all understanding in my current relationship and discernment to know when or if I should let go.


My request is for the Lord to give me the discernment to know if children are a part of HIS will for our life.


Please pray for my daughter Shanna that she will seek God and be healed of her problem and become the mom, daughter and sister she is meant to be. Please pray for my other daughter Tiff that has been trying to have a baby for a while she is hoping for a child this year.


I lost my job in 2020, and I need to find financial stability. My relationship with my girlfriend is suffering because of all the stress I’m carrying. I miss being with my kids, as we no longer live in the same city. I need God’s love and peace in my life.


My walk in faith is new. I pray that I stay on track with Jesus and that I'm able to recognize a distraction that takes me away.


Asking for prayer to pass my exam on the 11th; Asking for anxiety to be removed and to have a blessed year by removing any negative thought patterns.


Praying for financial stability coming into 2021; To find peace and become healthy mentally, physically, and emotionally.


My prayer request is to go deeper in the spirit, healing from keloids which is a scar tissue, for new doors of opportunity to open & increase/prosperity.


Please pray for my sons, Joshua and Nicholas for they just recently lost their father this past December. Also, Joshua is suffering and held captive from demonic spirits so please pray for his healing and salvation.


Salvation for family: Melessa, Dwight, Rahim, Melanie, Vasane; Deeper love and consecrated walk with Jesus Christ; To buy a home this year.


For my husband’s job, that his work picks back up and they call him back in, but we don’t want him to have to work on Sunday's.


Finances, do well in school so I can pass the Hesi test to be accepted into nursing school, grow spiritually to lean on God more, health for my children and family.


Salvation for my 4 brothers and mother; Healing for my wife, Em, and that she has a smooth pregnancy; Healing for my daughter’s autism; Healing for my son’s shaking and tics; Help with my job, to do well, have an understanding boss, and time for my family; Rest. I am worn out.


Prayers for my marriage and family. We are trying to rebuild and cancelled the divorce.


My Uncle Ruben Vargas is in the ICU at Memorial Herman Med Center fighting for his life. His wife and he were admitted one week apart with COVID. She passed away A week ago and he turned for the worse early this morning. He is now on a ventilator. Please pray that he makes it through and please pray for my cousin his only son Val Vargas. He has a family of his own with wife and 4 kids ranging from 6-12. Please pray for them all.

Armstrong Family

We have been trying to conceive another child, we are waiting for an appointment to be set up for fertility and we ask for prayers that everything checks out ok and we are able to add to our family of three, we also ask for prayers for our family’s health, and that we continue to grow as husband and wife.


I am praying for a healthy monogamous relationship that leads to marriage.


I need prayers for direction and peace. I need prayer for a financial break through. I’m struggling with debt and losing my job. Prayer to find peace with God, to have a better prayer life and relationship with Christ – that I may seek God. My heart feels heavy and angry at everyone and I feel it has brought me to lose sight of myself.


Divorced after 20 years of marriage and started over from scratch. I’ve been saving for a house of my own, and I’m praying for the home ownership process to start, so I can finally get my 9-year-old his own room.


Pray for me to pay off my credit cards soon and start to support missions in India. Also pray for a good health.


New jobs for me and my husband, insurance for my two teen kids, and pray for all others going through same situation.


My dad (German) was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2018. We just received the CT scan results that show his tumor has grown and is very close to his esophagus. He has a tracheotomy and has difficulties breathing and eating now. The options are complicated for his age. We are asking God for divine direction and guidance through this process.


Please pray for our adult daughter to find the right job/career. Pray also for our adult children to be more consecrated in their walk with God; and for our son as he studies for a major test to get licensed for his job.


For those affected by the pandemic in any way that God bless us with financial provision, employment, increase in business revenue, health, shelter & peace and that we acknowledge God by blessing others.


I just found out my best friend passed away today from Covid. She was only 31. My heart hurts so much. She was such a good-hearted person. I pray her husband and children will make it through this hard time and God will watch over them and protect them.


Asking for peace, clarity, and strength as I strength to navigate through divorce proceedings and for healing of my heart. Moreover, I want to truly forgive the parties who hurt and betrayed me.


My husband and I are needing prayer for guidance at this time. Due to the strain of COVID, we don't see any way that we can continue to hang on to our business, so we are looking at closing the doors within the next couple of weeks. We have had several potential connections, that would help save the company, but nothing has come through. We just need to know what God's plan is and for us to be guided to make sure we are on the right path, whatever that might be, to help pull us through this.


Remove the spirit of procrastination and add clarity of vision.


My husband John has Covid19 and also has diabetes. Please pray for complete healing upon his body from Covid and diabetes.


I just delivered my 21-week baby at home, and unfortunately lost her. I ended up having complications at the Hospital and lost a lot of blood and almost didn’t make it. I want to request a prayer for healing, and lots of strength for my family. I also want to pray for all the nurses and Dr that helped me, I was very lucky and blessed.


My best friend is in the hospital fighting for her life with this Covid-19.


I would like prayer for my mom. Joyce Johnson’s, supernatural healing. She was taken by ambulance to the hospital on Thursday night.


Prayer for G for salvation Prayer for Pickett for improved health.


For Lorraine, delivery from mental illness.


Marriage and family are on the rocks. We have dealt with a lot of issues mainly not making God the center of our family. We both tried this our own way and seem to get the same results. We need strength, respect, love, humility, everything! As a husband I need to see and treat my wife and God does the church!


Please pray for my sister Lynn's total and complete healing. My friend Bernie who needs a heart and kidney transplant. Also pray for the complete healing of my skin and knee; a full-time job with great pay and health benefits; a brand new financial situation – all my student loans, medical bills and eviction be forgiven. For God to tell me where He wants me to live and Blesses me with my own place - no more evictions. Lastly, I want God's guidance, direction and clarity.


We are declaring total complete restoration healing in my wife's (Amanda) right arm. Pain leave and healing come. In the mighty name of Jesus.


My company Expressjet Airlines closed because of Covid-19. We all lost our jobs working for the company since September 30, 2020. I’ve been applying for a job since November 2020. I’m asking for prayer that God would bless me a job which I really like.


Prayer for Pete Anderson a classmate who has been battling prostate cancer and now has been told he has lung cancer.


My prayer request is that God gives me the opportunity to be a assistant principal at the school he wants me to be not where I want to be. He has given me credentials I need to be a principal. I just hope someone gives the opportunity to show the skills God has given me.


My 17-year-old mental health and emotional stability.


For my children Christine and James to be cure from their mental illness with the help of doctors and especially the grace of God our savior, so they can find their own path in life with happiness close to him.


I want to pray for my son that he finds a job and that him and his wife have peace in their home. I want to pray for my daughters to have God's will in their lives. I would like to pray that my work hours are restored. And peace and understanding and no more turmoil in our family.


My son’s dog is a rescue and has an upcoming surgery. Also prayer for my other son, Nathan, who we have not seen in 3 years due to his marriage. She does not want him around us nor our grandkids. Pray for deliverance from mental illness over Nathan.


Prayer for strengthening my marriage, direction for me as the head, children, finances and health.


This prayer request is for our family friend Alma and her Husband Roy who today suffered a stroke and completely lost his vision. They are in need of prayer to help her and her husband get through the new challenges they will face.


Please pray for my family's financial freedom. That my husband's (Tony Mitchell) business is blessed with lucrative business opportunities.

Carolyn and Tracy

A closer walk with Jesus; save my son & daughter; abundant peace, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in 2021.


That we have the right words to bring our children back to loving and following Jesus.


My nephew Michael is very lost, he has been struggling with drugs for many years of his life, he is currently estranged from his wife and two sons age 17 and 8. Please pray for his salvation, restoration and for healing! That he will heed the Lord’s call on his life and lead his family in the way of truth and light.


Pray for protection over my family; emotional healing from family losses; physical health for Marco (8yo), Cosme (79yo); moving cities because of a new job; for my wife’s career and success, favor and blessings.


Prayers for restoration of marriage. That we might stay together and work together in our differences. That God might help us heal and renew our love and commitment.


Pray for good health for myself and my entire family. Praying no cancer, sickness nor illness are in our bodies.

T and J

Healing and a miraculous recovery for our son who has suffered from anxiety and depression that has crippled his life for years.


Restoration of my marriage that has been through a divorce. Pray my husband would return to the Lord as I continue to stand in faith. Also, that I won’t grow weary but focus on the matters of Christ in my life.


Please help me pray for my family for salvation and for healing miracle for 8-month baby that was diagnosed with lambdoid craniosynostosis and I don’t want surgery for him.


There is a little girl who attends the preschool I teach at who’s father is in need of prayer. He is in the hospital medically sedated, on a ventilator & ECMO. He has Covid pneumonia. His name is Smitty Smith, his wife Stephanie and their 3 children.


Angela, my neighbor, is 25 weeks pregnant. She lost her last 2 babies at this mark in her pregnancy by still born. Please pray for a healthy baby.


I am requesting prayer for my unborn baby and that our future doctor appointments give us great news.


Newly engaged and need prayer on how to effectively communicate with my partner.


My sister in Nebraska is alone with health issues and a diabetic in risk of losing her foot. Please pray God will touch her, give her strength to overcome, and recognize God is her strength no matter the outcome. Also praying for her to meet someone to help her grow in faith.


Prayer for a new job and prayer for my health.


Please pray for my daughter Lashanda Bell. She's in hospital with fluid around her heart, hard to breathe and low CO2 levels.


Company had to downsize due to covid-19, and I got laid off. I need prayers for a good, new job.


For my teenage son that has been suffering from anxiety, social withdrawal and confusion about his identity.


I ask that you pray for me to continue to keep me in God’s will and that I lean not on my own understanding. I pray I continue to stay strong mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.


I would like prayer for my daughter Jennifer Rivera who is in a coma from a teratoma tumor. She’s been in the hospital since Sept. 13, 2020. I would like prayer for her speedy recovery. Also, I would love to be able to move to accommodate her better when she is able to come home.


If it is God’s plan to finish my school in psychology and mental wellness through seminary school.


I need a change in my life. I don't know what's wrong with me. I live in this fantasy in my head and it's embarrassing. I have gotten accepted into 7 out of state colleges and now I can't go because my family doesn’t want me to go that far away.


My son is an alcoholic. We are conducting an intervention. Please pray for a positive outcome and freedom from the chains of addiction.

Brian and Jen

Please pray for our son Jeremiah (9 months old) who has been fighting ear and other infections the last month or so. It’s keeping us home on Sunday’s. Pray for his health, so we can get back into in person attendance at Grace.


I have chronic migraines and could use some prayers not to lose hope. I am 63 and live in Washington State.


My granddaughter, Isabella Ancira, who had a serious medical reaction to one of her medications. Pray that the seizures she’s having are temporary and that the medication didn’t cause any everlasting affect to her.


For my children to be free from all addictions and have a relationship with God; For financial freedom and peace on our home; For my husband to also draw to the Lord and we as a family can attend church together.


I would like prayer of financial blessings, health, my daughter’s health and staying obedient to God. Pray for my business to grow.


God’s wisdom and direction. Financial breakthrough so I can get finances in order. Praying for a helpmate in 2021.


Healing for my husband, Hector, he has to see another heart doctor. For my son Cameron to find a job and healing for him. Healing for me and strength.


Prayer for family: me and my husband, George; my daughters Priscilla, Leslie, and Ashley; my 9 granddaughters and two grandsons. Deliverance for my daughter, Leslie, from drug addiction while she is staying at a Christian rehab center. My husband and I are now taking care of three granddaughters: Desiree, Nevaeh, and Aaliyah - ages 15 10 and 6. I need energy and strength to take care of them.


I would like prayer for me and my family health, strength, understanding and financial blessing.


A single parent to a small child whom I struggle with her health issues, so I pray for my child health; as well as financial prosperity to be available to continue to provide a comfortable life for us.


Healing for my brother, Paul, who has Dermatomyositis: a rare autoimmune disease that is advanced. Praying that his cancer evaluation is negative. Prayers for salvation for Joseph Sr and Jr.


I am a new father to a daughter, and I ask that you pray for me to continue to work and give my family everything and more they need, to be a better follower of God, and to stray away from sin. Also, to not stress about finances.


Healing and strength in my body.


A prayer for my brother Kevin Rodriguez. He is an army vet with bipolar and PTSD, who also has an addiction to drug use. I pray that God leads us to find the right place for him where he can get the help he needs. Pray God may give him the strength to get through these emotions and allow a change for the better in his mind.


I’m needing prayers for my broken family, to heal from past hurt, and for me to have strength and acceptance.


I am seeking a professional position in Higher Education for this year. I've been furloughed since March 2020. I want a career change that helps to support my family and personal goals.

Jerome & Family

Salvation, healing and deliverance. Fulfillment in God-given destiny as individuals and as a family.


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