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I want to do something in my generation to help, not to hurt; to heal, not to make ill; to build up, not to tear down; to strengthen, not to weaken. I want to do something in my generation to dry its tears, soothe its hurts, feed its hungry, clothe the naked, turn it around, and light its darkness.


- Bishop Franklin Jones


Live like Jesus, for Jesus, and not alone. This two-year experience will allow you to grow in your calling along with fellow students who also share a passion for God’s word and the church. By participating in a biweekly class on Tuesday evenings, you will grow in discipleship, ministry, and fellowship.


Learn the Bible, theology, practical ministry, and leadership in a simple and interactive online environment. In addition to the live classroom experience, you will be enrolled in courses taught by academically qualified and practically experienced church leaders so that you can better understand scriptures and effectively pursue the calling God has placed on your life.


Lead in your church by serving your church. We are one church, many locations, serving the expansive region of Houston until everyone hears the Gospel of Jesus Christ. GLI provides a pathway for you to serve in the various departments of the church so that you can discover and develop your calling!



If you have questions, need assistance, or would just like more information about GLI, please fill out the form below.

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